Abandoned MiGs

6195285969_881889718d_b 6203108961_7bd7492402 abandoned-mig-15-lenin-statue balad-mig-23 Kuçovë-abandoned-aircraft-graveyard-6 mig_23_hdr_1_by_dawestsides-d49bnw4 MiG-25_Kyiv_08 mig-29-graveyard-dolgoye-ledovo-moscow

The wreckage of an abandoned Soviet Mig-21 Fishbed aircraft sits with rusted hardware in an open field near Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. After over 20 years of war and civil unrest, the Afghan landscape is painted with pieces of old military hardware and unexploded ordnance.

The wreckage of an abandoned Soviet Mig-21 Fishbed aircraft sits with rusted hardware in an open field near Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. After over 20 years of war and civil unrest, the Afghan landscape is painted with pieces of old military hardware and unexploded ordnance.


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